Template Reference
Contemple Version
Template Reference for Contemple 1.0.29
Last Update: 31. 08. 2021
Templates for Contemple contain Static Files and Template Files. They define the different parts of the website. Template files also define the settings wich are available in the editor interface. By default Contemple doesn't provide any User Interface. Everything has to be defined in the Template.
There are three different types of Templates
- Root Template
also called Theme wich contains all template files, sub templates, page templates and also default content. An installed Theme is called Project. - Sub Templates
A Sub template is a single template for an Item from the Database. Sub templates can be installed into an a Root Template / Project. - Page Templates
Like template files, page templates are for new pages wich can be created in Contemple or with the default-content file.
Template Files may contain Template Areas and Template Properties.
Root Templates
A Root Template can be installed in Contemple. It contains several config, template, and static files.
Config options
The following table shows the config settings for a Root Template (config.xml)
XML file with default content wich may be installed with the theme. To generate a content file, select Developer / Commands / Export Content from the Menu in Contemple.
comma separated list with all template files. Currently the files have to be in the folder of the root template
Website folders with static files
XML file with help text and translations for the interface
List with Areas to hide in the interface
The index file of the website
Unique Name of the Root Template
List with template files to exclude from minify compression
List with Areas to exclude from anker linking
List with template files wich can be selected to create a new Page in the interface. Page Templates can also use the keyword "page#" wich returns the name of the new page.
List with additional static files.
Type have to be root.
Version of the Template.
Sub Templates
A Sub Template can be installed inside a Root template. Sub Templates are rendered for every Database item wich is not set to invisble. Database Items are created by an Editor in Contemple or with the default-content file. Every instance of a Sub template, or Database item, can also create its own Sub Page for the website using the articlepage and articlename config attributes.
Config options
Config settings for Sub Templates (config.xml)
Render the item into a file (sub page). This feature can be used to create blog or product lists with a separate page for a detailed view. The articlepage attribute can be set to a page-template. The file path is relative to the subtemplate directory.
The database item is renderd into the root page and also into a new file using a separate page template. Database fields can be used inside the Page Template and the index file of the subtemplate.
Use the page# keyword to get the item name of a sub template item.
To access properties from the root template, use {#root:property-name} or {##root:area-name}
To create Areas inside the article page use inline area properties: {#my-area:Area("#itemname#","content")}
Areas and Properties for article sub pages have to be defined inside the index file of the sub template.
Controls the name of the item file
List of database fields.
comma separated list with template files inside the sub template folder
folders with static files
XML file with help text and translations for the interface
The index file of the Sub Template
Label string in the interface. Database fields can be included inbetween two numeric chars (#)
Icon of the Sub Template in the interface. Use a default icon from ico:/ folder or with the template:/ path. The icon size should be 24x24 pixel.
Unique Name of the Sub Template
If nolocation is true, the rendered items don't have anker links inserted in to the page.
Parse rich text in the interface label.
List with additional static files in the Sub Template folder.
Name of the database Table of the Sub Template.
Type of the Sub Template can be any String from an Area type.
Version of the Sub Template.
Areas define parts of the website for items from the database. The items allowed inside an Area can be restricted with the Area-Type. Template Areas begin with two numeric characters (##).
Area Examples :
A simple website uses these areas in the root template:
The sidebar requires special items so it has an additional type allowing also items of type sidebar
The sidebar2, menu and audio-player areas allows only special items.
To display items from another Area, the link argument can be used to link to other Areas and override the item templates.
Sections and priorities can be set to order areas and create folders in the User Interface. The number before the Name controls the priority of the folder or area:
Template Properties are like variables wich can be set in the Contemple app. The properties can be edited under Settings in the app. Template Properties begin with one Hasttag character (#).
Examples :
A Property can be defined everywere inside template files:
{#adress:String="4th avenue"}
Integers before a property name or folder can be used to control to order in the Contemple User Interface.
To get the value of a Property, the folder-path, order-id, arguments and default value can be discarded.
They are only required when the Property is defined:
Alternative Definition:
It is also possible to define properties in a easier way between the #def: and #def; instructions.
Definig Properites inside a #def block allows to control the order of the Properties by the order the properties are defined.
adress:String = "4th avenue";
Primary-Color:Color = "#247";
Using the Folder Type and the #scope instruction it is very ease to setup a hierarchical Menu in the Settings Editor:
all-pages:PageList = "a-page.html";
my-single-pages:PageList("template","page-single.html") = "singlepage.html";
my-blog-pages:PageList("template","page-blog.html") = "blogpage.html";
my-home-area-items:ItemList("Home") = "Item_1234";
my-menu-area-items:ItemList("Menu","url","<a href=",">#inputname#</a>","name") = "<a href=blog.html>Blog</a>";
Folders can be nested inside folders without affecting the theme code. In the theme, the folder does not have to be known to get the property, They are all accessible in the root hierarchy. Only if two properties have the same name, the full path have to be used in order to receive the correct Setting. In the example below, the deep-code property can be accessed in template files without any folders just by writing: {#deep-code} or {#GeneralSettings.GeneralFolder.deep-code}
adress:String = "4th avenue";
Reset the scope to root:
# following properties are stored inside Afolder until the next scope instruction;
# following properties are stored inside the root hierarchy;
Note: it is also possible to write comments with the numeric character and the semicolon character.
Available Property Types:
name : String
type : String
Inline Area with add, edit, delete and sort functionality for subtemplate items. Currently the Area type can be used only inside Sub Templates.
Every inline Area requires a unique name. Inside a subtemplate, #itemname# returns the name of the item choosen by the user in order to create inline areas.
Input with Area Popup List
folder : String
filename : String
fileBrowserTitle : String
allowedExtensions : List
Sound File Input:
folder : String
filename : String
Input for Css-Background values
yes : String
no : String
Boolean Input
Text Input
Color Input
format : String
Get the current Date. The format argument may contain the characters d, m, y for date, month, year and h, m, s for hours, minutes and seconds
folder : String
File Input
folder : String
filename : String
fileBrowserTitle : String
allowedExtensions : List
File Input:
Input for Css Gradient Stop values
Invisible Value
folder : String
filename : String
fileBrowserTitle : String
allowedExtensions : List
Image File Input:
minVal : Number
maxVal : Number
stepSize : Number
allowOutsideRange : Boolean
Integer Input with slider
area : String
field : String
pre-text : String
post-text : String
Input with Popup List of Database Items
Input with Popup List
Input with Popup List
Name Input
Input for inline Css code (WIP)
minVal : Number
maxVal : Number
stepSize : Number
allowOutsideRange : Boolean
decimalPlaces : Integer
Numeric Input with slider
Numeric Input without slider:
name : Expression
overrideTemplate : Strin
Returns the text of an other page item.
The name can be selected from input (field city):
Override the template of the item with a new template
filter1-key : Number
filter1-value : Number
filter2-key : Number
filter2-value : Boolean
String Input with popup to select from pages
Display all pages in the popup
Display only sub pages pages of a page with a specific template
css-classes : String
newline-wrap : String
RichText Input
minVal : Number
maxVal : Number
stepSize : Number
allowOutsideRange : Boolean
Integer Input with slider
minVal : Number
maxVal : Number
stepSize : Number
allowOutsideRange : Boolean
decimalPlaces : Integer
Numeric Input with slider
Numeric Input without slider:
Input for Css-Shadow values
types : String
Allows to select enter values with a type.
Use types from the items of an Area:
To get the selected type use:
length : Integer
type : String
defaultWrap : String
separator : String
dynaLength : Boolean
(type_default_arguments ...) : Mixed Default Arguments
(value1, arg1, arg2, value2, arg2 ...) : Mixed Default Values and Arguments
Vector Input with dynamic length of type ScreenInteger:
A fixed length Vector with 3 Numbers between 0 and 100
A String Vector with a type for every string (#typename#)
vector-name : String
display-mode : String or none
defaultWrap : String
separator : String
dynaLength : Boolean
(type_default_arguments ...) : Mixed Default Arguments
(value1, arg1, arg2, value2, arg2 ...) : Mixed Default Values and Arguments
Vector Input:
folder : String
filename : String
fileBrowserTitle : String
allowedExtensions : List
Video File Input:
Handling Files with File Input Elements
Template Properties of type Audio, Image, File, Pdf or Video support the following keywords in the filename arguments
Example: On selecting a file called 'test.txt':
-> dir/fix-test.txt
-> files/2017-Item_1234.txt
-> files/dir1/test-2017-07.txt
Property Expressions
Some Property types allow to calculate expressions or get type specific values using the @ operator:
Set the height of a css style to the height of an image
<!-- {#my-image:Image('files','name.#EXTENSION#','Image Files','*.PNG;*.JPG')} -->
.container { height: {#my-image@height}px; }
Set the width of a css style to the width of an image plus 20 pixel:
.container { width: {#my-image@calc width+20}; }
Get aspect ratio information:
.container { width: {#my-image@calc floor(width/height)}; }
Calculate expressions on Numbers:
<!-- {#my-num:ScreenNumber(0.125,7,0.025)=1.5rem} -->
{#my-num@add 20}
{#my-num@sub 1}
{#my-num@mul 2}
{#my-num@div 3.1415}
{#my-num@calc value*2}
{#my-num@calc value*pi/180}
Calculate expressions on Colors:
<!-- {#my-color:Color='#47D'} -->
{#my-color@sat 0.5}
{#my-color@mul 0.5}
Reserved Static Properties
Get Current Date Values
Get Random Values
Random values change every time the template is rendered. Or fixed to app-start if the first argument is a string
Returns a hexadecimal value with 3 or 4 digits. (1 iteration)
Returns a hexadecimal value with 5 to 8 digits. (2 iterations)(
Return a value betweem 0 and 1 round to 0.1
Return a fixed hexadecimal value, wich changes only after app start.
Include files
Include a file from the web directory. The file have to be added to the Theme's files, staticfiles, staticfolders or pagetemplates config settings.
Include a file from the template directory. The file have to be added to the Theme's files, staticfiles, staticfolders or pagetemplates config settings.
Include a template file with Template Areas and Properties. The file have to be added to the Theme's files staticfiles, staticfolders or pagetemplates config settings.
Template Properties in Subtemplates
Inside a Subtemplate, only the database fields set in the config.xml are accessible. Subtemplates currently support only one Area, the Area is added to the area tree in the app with the item name of the sub template instance. To use multiple Areas inside a subtemplate use inline-area properties
It is possible to render the item output into a external file with the articlepage, and articlename config settings for Subtemplates.
Static subtemplate properties
To get a property from the Root template:
To get a database field value:
Special Characters in Richtext Properties
Some characters are not allowed in Text or Richtext Propertie's default value, or default content.
Use the following replacements:
Newline #BR#
@ #AT#
< #LT#
> #GT#
[ #SBRO#
] #SBRC#
The following replacements can also be used inside Richtext and Text fields:
#APP-NAME# Returns the app name set by install settings
#APP-VERSION# Returns the app version set by install settings
#TEMPLATE-NAME# The name of the current Root Template
#TAB# Returns three whitespace characters (nbsp)
#COPYRIGHT# Copyright character (copy)
#HR# Horizontal line (<hr>)